PUBAT has decided to cancel the fair due to an increase in active COVID-19 cases in Thailand over the last few days, bringing up health concerns for exhibitors and readers.
The Frankfurt Publishers’ Training Program, International Publishing Forum, The Power of Publishing Forum, Book Design Forum, and Children’s Book Forum, as well as the online exhibition, will take place as planned.
Although PUBAT has prepared strict precautionary measures. Unfortunately, because Bangkok has been designated as one of the most strictly controlled areas by the government, and the fair is considered a large-scale public gathering, PUBAT has decided to call off the physical event to ensure public safety.
PUBAT would like to express our gratitude for the continuous support from all publishers, editors, authors, illustrators, and book lovers, and will keep providing further updates.
Let’s meet at our October Book Expo 2021 or Bangkok International Book Fair 2022.
Till then, please stay safe and healthy always.
For more information, please contact p-methavee@pubat.or.th.